Antwerp 2022 Vertigo Souvenir Package
Common card
This is a Common product card. It aggregates other offers of similar items
Market hash name
Antwerp 2022 Vertigo Souvenir Package
Case, Souvenir Package
Contains one of the following:
MAC-10 | Strats
FAMAS | Faulty Wiring
XM1014 | Blue Tire
CZ75-Auto | Framework
Dual Berettas | Oil Change
Glock-18 | Red Tire
UMP-45 | Mechanism
SSG 08 | Carbon Fiber
PP-Bizon | Breaker Box
AK-47 | Green Laminate
P90 | Schematic
Nova | Interlock
Negev | Infrastructure
MAG-7 | Prism Terrace
P250 | Digital Architect
Five-SeveN | Fall Hazard
SG 553 | Hazard Pay
M4A1-S | Imminent Danger